18-22 September 2023
GSI Darmstadt, Germany
Europe/Berlin timezone

Plans for symmetry energy research in INDRA-FAZIA

18 Sep 2023, 15:20
Main Lecture Hall (GSI Darmstadt, Germany)

Main Lecture Hall

GSI Darmstadt, Germany

Südbau (SB1), GSI Campus
Oral Investigations at existing and future accelerator facilities and detectors Investigations at existing and future accelerator facilities and detectors


Giovanni Casini (INFN Firenze)


Since 2020 the FAZIA detector performs experiment at GANIL coupled with the large acceptance INDRA array. This combined detector for charged reaction products represents one of the most advanced tools to study the details of the reaction  mechanisms at the Fermi energies,  with special attention to the role of the symmetry energy term of the EOS. The     combinations of beams and energies available at GANIL or at similar facilities allow to mainly investigate systems formed at high temperatures and at relatively low densities. The experimental and theoretical community   investigating the EOS is recently focussing the interest on suprasaturation densities, achievable with beam energies above 100AMeV, where the EOS parameters are much less constrained and the experimental data are relatively scarce. In the talk I will shortly present the mid-term programs  of the FAZIA-INDRA collaboration towards possible experiments at higher beam energy facilities as RAON and FRIB.

Primary author

Giovanni Casini (INFN Firenze)

Presentation Materials