Search for Charged Lepton Flavor Violation with Muons at J-PARC

22 Jun 2012, 10:00


Prof. Yoshitaka KUNO (Osaka University)


We would like to describe an experiment, called COMET, to search for muon to electron conversion in a muonic atom at J-PARC. This process is charged lepton flavor violating. Recently we have taken a staging approach, and COMET Phase-I will be mentioned in more details. This has received supportive endorsement from the J-PARC PAC and J-PARC review committees. We are hoping that COMET Phase-I will start data taking in 2016/17. Also as R&D for COMET, we will mention a highly intense muon source, called MuSIC, which has been constructed at Osaka University. It has demonstrated the pion capture system required to carry out COMET.

Primary author

Prof. Yoshitaka KUNO (Osaka University)

Presentation Materials