Mu->e+gamma and Mu->3e

22 Jun 2012, 09:00


Peter-Raymond Kettle (Paul Scherrer Institut)


The muon as a laboratory for studying charged lepton-flavour violation (cLFV) has proven to be one of the most sensitive areas in the probe to search for “New Physics”, due to the muon’s copious production rate and relatively long lifetime. The search at the intensity frontier with precision-type experiments is complementary to the search for new particles at the high-energy frontier of TeV colliders. Of the three “golden” muon channels: μ→eγ, μ→3e and μ→e conversion, I will present an overview of the status of the coincidence experiments MEG and the recently initiated Mu3e experiment.

Primary author

Peter-Raymond Kettle (Paul Scherrer Institut)

Presentation Materials