Search for electron EDM in laser-cooled francium factory

22 Jun 2012, 15:00


Hirokazu Kawamura (Tohoku University)


The electric dipole moment (EDM) of an electron that implies the violation of the time-reversal symmetry has been searched from a half century ago. Francium (Fr) is one of the most promising candidates that could lead to observe a significant EDM because the electron EDM would be enhanced by being bounded in a heavier atom. Therefore, a factory of laser-cooled Fr atoms is being constructed currently at the Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center, Tohoku University. Our factory has achieved the production of high quality Fr ions -- the extraction efficiency is around 40% and the extraction yield is about 10^6 pps. It is planning to trap Fr atoms using laser after neutralizing ions to measure the EDM of Fr precisely. Currently, the neutralization and magneto-optical trap using rubidium whose chemical property is similar to one of Fr have been developed. At the conference, we will show the whole of our research plan and report the current status of the development.

Primary author

Hirokazu Kawamura (Tohoku University)


Atsushi Hatakeyama (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology) Hidetomo Yoshida (Osaka University) Hiroshi Arikawa (Tohoku University) Huliyar Nataraj (Tohoku University) Kenichi Harada (Tohoku University) Kenichi Imai (JAEA) Kichiji Hatanaka (Osaka University) Masatoshi Itoh (Tohoku University) Saki Ezure (Tohoku University) Taisuke Ishikawa (Tohoku University) Takatoshi Aoki (University of Tokyo) Takeshi Furukawa (Tokyo Metropolitan University) Takeshi Inoue (Tohoku University) Tetsuya Murakami (Kyoto University) Tomohiro Hayamizu (Tohoku University) Tomohiro Kato (Tohoku University) Tomotsugu Wakasa (Kyusyu University) Tomoya Sato (Tohoku University) Yasuhiro Sakemi (Tohoku University) Yasuhiro Shimizu (Tohoku University)

Presentation Materials