1:30 PM
Research at SHIP-Status and perspectives
Sophie Heinz
(GSI Darmstadt, Germany)
1:55 PM
Physics experiments with the S3 spectrometer
Herve Savajols
(GANIL, France)
2:20 PM
Predictive power of nuclear theories: Strengthening the links theory-experiments
Jerzy Dudek
(IPHC - CNRS/UdS Strasbourg, France)
2:45 PM
TRIGA-SPEC: Double-beta transition Q-value measurements with TRIGA-TRAP
Christian Smorra
(Institut für Kernchemie, Universität Mainz, Germany)
3:10 PM
Coulomb breakup of 17Ne-from the view point of nuclear astrophysics
Justyna Marganiec
(GSI Darmstadt, Germany)
3:35 PM
100Sn RISING Results
Thomas Faestermann
(TU, München, Germany)