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Marcus Schwickert
(GSI Darmstadt)
11.11.11, 09:00
Presently the FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) project at GSI Darmstadt enters into the realization phase. Because of the intricate requirements, like e.g. operation at high beam intensities near the space charge limit, as well as transport of low particle numbers of rare isotope beams, the FAIR facility demands in many cases for enhanced and/or novel types of beam diagnostic...
Alexander Bechthold
(NTG), Dr.
Peter Strehl
11.11.11, 09:30
From January 1st 2011 NTG has taken over well known company PET-Darmstadt owned by P. Strehl and H. Kraus. The implementation of PET's products and components into the NTG product range results in a considerable extension of the product range, especially in the field of accelerator physics and beam diagnostics. This presentation first gives an overview about NTG's competence and product range...
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Dr. Marcus Schwickert
Beam Diagnostics makes FAIR play
KBW.1.017, KBW / EMMI
09:00 - 09:30
Dr. Peter Strehl et al.
NTG-Beam Diagnostics and Special Topics
KBW.1.017, KBW / EMMI
09:30 - 10:00
Dr. Ilka Mahns
Photon Diagnostics at the Free Electron Laser FLASH
KBW.1.017, KBW / EMMI
10:00 - 10:30
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