Proposal for a common web portal for beam instrumentation

10 Nov 2011, 17:30
KBW.1.017 (KBW / EMMI)



Planckstraße 1 64291 Darmstadt Germany


Mr Jean-Jacques Gras (CERN)


This talk will present an initiative launched during the recent International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC11) to define and produce a common web portal for Beam Instrumentation, with the aim of allowing any beam instrumentalist to: - Easily find the laboratories with machines using beams of similar characteristics (particle type, total beam intensity, bunch intensity, frequency, energy…) - Easily find the person who is working there on the beam observable concerned (i.e. beam position, loss, intensity, transverse or longitudinal profile, tune…) and how to contact him/her. - Provide links towards documents describing system designs and performance assessments. - And possibly more … This presentation will cover the status and prospects of the project towards a first operational prototype and will also propose possible future extensions

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