12 September 2011
GSI Conference Hall
GMT timezone

Search for long-lived isomeric activities "below" 132Sn

12 Sep 2011, 15:45
GSI Conference Hall

GSI Conference Hall

Planckstr. 1 64291 Darmstadt


Stefan Lalkovski (University of Sofia)


The r-process overabundance in the mass region A~120 has been a subject of considerable scientific interest in the last decade. Different nuclear physics phenomena such as shell-quenching and "unreasonably" long beta-decay half-lives were discussed as possible reasons for the observed discrepancy. Long-lived activities are known to exist throughout a number of odd-Z, even-N and even-Z, odd-N nuclei in the A<132 region. In the regions around the doubly magic nuclei these single-particle isomers are expected to persist up to the respective shell gap, which in the neutron-rich region may lead to situations, where the excited isomeric state has a half-life longer than the ground state half-life. Therefore, the present proposal focuses on the search for long-lived millisecond beta-decaying isomeric states, placed in vicinity to the 132Sn nucleus.

Primary author

Stefan Lalkovski (University of Sofia)


Filip Kondev (Argonne National Laboratory, USA) Phil Walker (University of Surrey, UK) Zsolt Podolyak (University of Surrey, UK)

Presentation Materials