2:00 PM
Inclusive Production of Heavy Quarkonia in pNRQCD
Hee Sok Chung
2:20 PM
Associated Production of J/psi plus W or Z bosons at NLO
Mathias Butenschön
(Hamburg U)
2:40 PM
J/ψ relative yield vs relative multiplicity in pp collisions at PHENIX (REMOTE)
Ming Xiong Liu
3:00 PM
Recent results on charmonium production at ATLAS (inclusive and/or associative)
Charles Burton
( Texas U)
3:20 PM
Charmonia in modified NRQCD
K. Sridhar
(Azim Premji U)
3:40 PM
Measurement of the cross section ratio sigma(psi2S)/sigma(jpsi(1S)) in exclusive photoproduction at HERA with the Zeus detector
Ada Solano
(Torino U and INFN)