Chair: C. Amsler
Klaus Jungmann
(KVI Groningen)
06.09.11, 11:00
Precision Experiments
Oral Presentation
Josephine McAndrew
(TU Munich)
06.09.11, 11:30
Other exotic atoms and rare decays
Oral Presentation
J.McAndrew, S.Paul, M. Berger, R. Emmerich, R. Engels,T.Faestermann,
P. Fierlinger, M. Gabriel, E. Gutsmiedl,F. J. Hartmann, R. Hertenberger, A. Röhrmoser, S.Ruschel, J Schön, W.Schott, U.Schubert, D.Simon, A.Trautner, Th. Udem, A. Ulrich
The bound neutron beta-decay(BOB) into a hydrogen atom and an electron antineutrino is investigated. The hyperfine-state population of the...
Michael Marino
06.09.11, 11:50
Precision Experiments
Oral Presentation
Neutrinoless double-beta decay provides a strong probe of physics beyond the
standard model. The observation of such a decay would establish that the
neutrino and anti-neutrino are the same particle - a so-called Majorana
particle - and would help determine the absolute mass scale of the neutrino.
In addition, it could provide insight into understanding
lepton-number-violating processes,...