chair: A. Gal
(Isfahan University of Technology; RIKEN Nishina Center)
07/09/2011, 15:40
Strangeness in Matter
Oral Presentation
We have presented the idea that the simplest double-K nuclear cluster,K^-K^-pp, can be produced in the p+p -->K^+ +K^+ +Λ*+Λ* -->K^+ + K^+ + K^-K^-pp reaction, where Λ* is a quasi-bound K^-p state corresponding to Λ(1405). We have calculated the differential cross section for this process and found out that helped by a very large momentum transfer Q~ 1.8 GeV/c, a peak of K^-K^-pp cluster...
Neutron spectra from the Kbar + d break-up reaction and the shape of the Lambda(1405) resonance.
Janos Revai
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
07/09/2011, 16:00
Strangeness in Matter
Oral Presentation
Coupled channels Faddeev equations are being solved for the Kbar+d break-up
reaction in the Kbar-N-N<->pi-Sigma-N three-body system. The main aim is to
calculate the neutron spectra for fixed incident kaon energy - a really ob-
servable quantity, which is directly related to the shape of the Lambda(1405)
state,as opposed to the widely used hypothetical curves, such as sub-threshold
Energy dependence of K^- -"pp" effective potential derived from coupled-channel Green's function
Takahisa Koike
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
07/09/2011, 16:20
Strangeness in Matter
Oral Presentation
A new experimental search for $K^-pp$ via
the $^3$He(in-flight $K^-$, $n$) reaction is planned
(J-PARC E15 experiment). We have theoretically discussed
the expected inclusive and semi-exclusive spectra
for the J-PARC E15 experiment within the framework
of the $K^-pp$ single-channel distorted-wave impulse
approximation (DWIA) using Green's function method
by employing the...
Stefanie Lourenco
(University of Gießen)
07/09/2011, 16:40
Hadron Physics
Oral Presentation
The upcoming FAIR Facility provides unique possibilities to study nuclear structure. With the availability of antiprotons as probes, independent information on the properties of exotic nuclei can be achieved. A corresponding experimental setup is proposed by the Antiproton Ion Collider (AIC) at FAIR@GSI, allowing to perform colliding-beam antiproton-nucleus experiments. The focus of our...