- FAIR GSI Meeting
- FAIR GSI Meeting - numbered
- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
+++ UPDATE +++
Location confirmed now:
We will meet at 18:00, tomorrow - Tuesday 9 July 2019 at the one of the oldest brewery of the region, which is situated at the Historic Old Town City Hall.
Meet at following address:
Darmstädter Ratskeller Hausbrauerei GmbH Marktplatz 8, 64283 Darmstadt https://www.ratskeller-darmstadt.de/en/ Tel: +49 615126444
How to reach?
Take any tram from Arheilgen 6, 7 and 8 to reach Luisenplatz and then walk for two minutes to Marktplatz. Alternatively, take S3 direction Darmstadt HBF, then take tram 4, 5, 3 or Bus H/F to Luisenplatz, and then walk two to Marktplatz.
Dear students and scholars,
We plan the 2nd GET_TOgether Meeting and you are most welcome! We are very happy about everybody who has time and will come. This is a good chance to get introduced to new people outside of your department.
We plan to invite you to a typical German place with beer, alcohol-free drinks and food available. We are looking forward to meeting hopefully all of you!
PS: Do not forget to visit the Heinerfest in Darmstadt this weekend: www.darmstaedterheinerfest.de/programm/<http://www.darmstaedterheinerfest.de/programm/>