Call for Contributions - Annual Report 'News and Reports from High Energy Density generated by Heavy Ion and Laser Beams 2019'

GSI, Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Planckstrasse 1, D-64291 Darmstadt, Germany

Dear authors and readers of the the HEDP-Report 2019 thank you very much for your patience! It took a long time, but now the final version of the of report is online. (Find the link at the bottom of the grey box on the left side.) The editorial and the the contribution on the 40th anniversary of this report series have been added to the preliminary version that had been online here since December 2020. The DOI-number given for the preliminary version is valid for the final one, too. We did not change the publishing date. 

Please excuse that it took now so long until the middle of 2021 for this final version. But the sitiuation with the Corona Pandemic made communication and working processes more complicated, so that the work at the report was delayed.

For the next issue, the HEDP-report 2020 (the call for contributions will go out next week),  we hopefully wll have no unexpected delays again and the 2020 issue will be ready at the end of this year.  











! Important ! 

Again it is time to prepare and publish the new annual report 'News and Reports from High Energy Density generated by Heavy Ion and Laser Beams'. Those who want to submit a contribution please read carefully the 'Instructions for Submission' for uploading   your contribution via this Indico-webpage! A new feature since last year is that the authors with an upload declare that they comply with the ccby4.0 publishing rules of GSI (see call for contributions).

The time period for submission of your contributions starts at January 28th, 2020 and will close at  April 19th, 2020. Afterwards your contributions will be reviewed, corrections will probably be asked for. Authors who should submit a revised version of their contributions will be notified by e-mail. 

The report is open for all authors who contribute to the research field of HEDP or feel related to it, those who have regularly contributed in the last years, as well as such who want to contribute for the first time are cordially invited to do that. During the Hirschegg Workshop 2020 it will be announced, that participants, who had a presentation there, should also contribute to this report.  - We also ask the authors who want to submit a contribution to notify the editors by an e-mail.

For your information on the report you can access the last issue of the report via the link in the grey Overview Box at the  left side of this page.

If you have questions or need support for uploading contributions contact Karin Weyrich by e-mail: or by phone +49 6159 712291.

LaTeX documentclass
Submission Instructions 2019
Template: LAteX (JACoW-GSI.tex)
Word-Template: JACoW_GSI.docx
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