19.–24. Aug. 2012
Mainz, Germany, Erbacher Hof
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone


of the INTDS Conferences, Symposia & Workshops


Event Year Laboratory Location Publication
1963 Central Bureau for Nuclear Measurements Geel, Belgium not available
2nd symp. 1965 Atomic Energy Research Establishment Harwell, United Kingdom Report AERE-R5097
3rd symp. 1971 Oak Ridge National Laboratory Gatlinburg, USA NIM 102 (1972)
1st conference 1972 Montreal University Montreal, Canada Report LPN-UM-1972;
list of presentations,
no articles
2nd conf. 1973 New York University New York, USA Unpublished Proceedings
3rd conf. 1974 Atomic Energy of Canada Chalk River, Canada Proceedings
printed by CRNL in 1975
4th conf. 1975 Argonne National Laboratory Argonne, USA Report
ANL/PHY/MSD-76-1 (1976)
5th conf. 1976 Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Los Alamos, USA Report LA-6850-C (1977)
6tth conf. 1977 Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Berkeley, USA Report LBL-7950 (1978)
7th conf. 1978 Universität München (LMU) Garching, Germany NIM 167 (1979)
8th conf. 1979 New England Nuclear Co. Boston, USA Plenum Press, NY; J. Jaklowsky Ed. (1981)
9th conf. 1980 Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Gatlinburg, USA NIM 200 (1982)
10th conf. 1981 Weizmann Institute of Science Jerusalem, Israel Proceedings (1982)
11th conf. 1982 University of Washington Seattle, USA Proceedings 1983)
Workshop 1983 Argonne National Laboratory Argonne, USA Report
ANL/PHY-84-2 (1984)
12th conf. 1984 Central Bureau for Nuclear Measurements Geel, Belgium NIM A 236 (1985)
13th conf. 1986 Atomic Energy of Canada (AECL) Chalk River, Canada NIM A 257 (1987)
14th conf. 1988 GSI, Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung mbH Darmstadt, Germany NIM A 282 (1989)
15th conf. 1990 Los Alamos National Laboratory Santa Fe, USA NIM A 303 (1991)
16th conf. 1992 Laboratori Nationali di Legnaro Legnaro, Italy NIM A 334 (1993)
17th conf. 1994 Indiana University Cyclotron Facility Bloomington, USA NIM A 362 (1994)
18th conf. 1996 Centre de Recherches Nucléaires Strasbourg France NIM A 397 (1997)
19th conf. 1998 Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge USA NIM A 438 (1999)
20th conf. 2000 European Comm. Joint Research Centre, Inst. for Reference Materials & Measurements Antwerp, Belgium NIM A 480 (2002)
21st conf. 2002 Argonne National Laboratory Argonne, USA NIM A 521 (2004)
22nd conf. 2004 National Inst. of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, USA NIM A 561 (2006)
23rd conf. 2006 High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) Tsukuba, Japan NIM A 590 (2008)
24th conf. 2008 Grand Accélérateur National d'Ions Lourds Caen, France NIM A 613 (2010)
25th conf. 2010 TRIUMF Vancouver, Canada NIM A 655 (2011)

Information composed from

  • intds2008.ganil.fr/  (website not longer available) and
  • www.intds.org/ (old website)