EMMI Workshop
Heidelberg University
Institut für Theoretische Physik,
Seminar Room 106,
Philosophenweg 12,
69120 Heidelberg
Poster |
The EMMI workshop "Central Exclusive Production at the LHC" will focus on theoretical ideas concerning central exclusive production (CEP) with particular emphasis on their relevance for experiments at the LHC.
Topics of the workshop:
Ap collisions and CEP with photon exchange
CEP of boson and fermion pairs
CEP of glueballs and their decay
CEP in a Veneziano-type model
general properties of CEP and absorption corrections
possible odderon observation in pp elastic collisions at the LHC
event generators for CEP
Publication related to the workshop:
C. Ewerz, O. Nachtmann, R. Schicker
Central exclusive production at the LHC: Remarks by the organisers on an EMMI workshop