25.–30. Aug. 2019
Wilhelmshaven, Germany, Atlantic Hotel
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

General Info


The scientific program covered all experimental and theoretical aspects of the superheavy elements, including their synthesis, nuclear reactions, nuclear structure, chemistry, atomic properties, and related topics. The program consisted of invited talks, oral presentations selected on the basis of submitted abstracts, and poster contributions.


  • Synthesis
  • Nuclear reaction studies
  • Nuclear structure and spectroscopy
  • Atomic physics studies
  • Chemical properties
  • Technical developments
  • Large-scale facilities

History of the TAN Conferences

The first TAN conference took place in 1999 in Seeheim near Darmstadt, Germany. Since then, the meetings of this series have been organized every 4 years, in Napa, USA (2003), in Davos, Switzerland (2007), Sochi, Russia (2011), and Urabandai, Japan (2015).


The conference took place in Wilhelmshaven, a coastal town located at the North Sea in the state of Lower Saxony, Germany. It is situated on the western side of the Jade Bight, a bay of the North Sea.
Our conference venue was the "Hotel Atlantic" in Wilhelmshaven, only a few steps from the sea.

Press Release GSI

26 August 2019

See also the Special Symposium "International Year of the Periodic Table"

Invited Speakers

  • Anatoli Afanasjev (Mississippi State Univ., USA)
  • Anastasia Borschevsky (Univ. Groningen, Netherlands)
  • Stephan Fritzsche (Univ. Jena, HI Jena & GSI Darmstadt, Germany)
  • Jacklyn Gates (LBNL Berkeley, USA)
    (The article was presented by Jennifer Pore (LBNL Berkeley, USA))
  • David Hinde (ANU Canberra, Australia)
  • Miroslav Iliaš (Matej Bel Univ., Slovakia)
  • Jadambaa Khuyagbaatar (HIM Mainz, GSI Darmstadt, Germany)
  • Witold Nazarewicz (FRIB, Michigan State Univ., USA)
  • Katsuhisa Nishio (JAEA Tokai, Japan)
  • Sebastian Raeder (GSI Darmstadt, Germany)
  • Dirk Rudolph (Lund Univ., Sweden)
  • Krzysztof Rykaczewski (ORNL, USA)
    (The article was presented by Julie Ezold (ORNL, USA))
  • Peter Schwerdtfeger (Massey Univ., New Zealand)
  • Patrick Steinegger (FLNR Dubna, Russia)
  • Vladimir Utyonkov (FLNR Dubna, Russia)
  • Michiharu Wada (KEK, Japan)
  • Michal Warda (UMCS Lublin, Poland)
  • Alexander Yakushev (GSI Darmstadt, Germany)

The speakers of the symposium can be found here.

Poster Prizes

IUPAC Poster Prizes  (sponsered by IUPAC and GDCh)


  • Yangyang Guo (RU Groningen)
  • Jochen Ballof (CERN / JGU Mainz)
  • Raphael Haas (JGU Mainz / HIM Mainz / GSI Darmstadt)

Find more about GDCh here

NUPECC Poster Prizes  (sponsered by NUPECC and IUPAC)


  1. Odile Smits (NZIAS Auckland)
  2. Steven Nothhelfer (HIM Mainz)
  3. Dominik Krupp (Hochschule Mannheim)

TAN 19 poster prize

From left: Rolf-Dietmar Herzberg (Univ. Liverpool, Chairman Poster Prize Jury), Dominik Krupp (Hochschule Mannheim), Steven Nothhelfer (HIM Mainz), Odile Smits (NZIAS Auckland), Michael Block (GSI Darmstadt / HIM Mainz / JGU Mainz, TAN 19 Chairman), and Christoph Duellmann (JGU Mainz / GSI Darmstadt / HIM Mainz, TAN19 Chairman)
Foto: Stanislav Chenmarev (JGU Mainz / PNPI)

Participants List(s)

Abstract book

Abstract book (version from 19 August 2019) as pdf-file


Final detailed daily program as pdf-file

