CBM Archive: RICH-2018 - 10th International Workshop on Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detectors

  • Sonntag, 29 Juli at 08:00
    • 1
      Status of the CBM- and HADES RICH projects at GSI/FAIR
      Sprecher: Christian Pauly (Bergische Universität Wuppertal(BUW))
    • 2
      evelopments of a mirror supporting frame, mounting scheme and alignment monitoring system of the CBM RICH detector
      Sprecher: Jordan Bendarouach (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen(JuLGi-2PI))
    • 3
      Measurement of the p-terphenyl decay constant using WLS coated H12700 MAPMTs and the fast FPGA based CBM/HADES readout electronics
      Sprecher: Adrian Weber