8.–12. Okt. 2018
TU Darmstadt
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

This is the sixth meeting in the ISNET (Information and statistics in nuclear experiment and theory) series.  The aim of this series of workshops - involving the broad nuclear physics community, together with applied mathematics, statistics and computer science - is to discuss the use of applied mathematics, information theory and statistics in the analysis of experiments, and within the context of theoretical models that are dealing with current and future experimental data.


  • Facilitate cross communication, fertilization, and collaboration on statistical applications among the nuclear sub-fields.
  • Provide the opportunity for nuclear physicists unfamiliar with Bayesian methods to start applying them to new problems.
  • Learn from experts about innovative and advanced uses of Bayesian statistics, and best practices in applying them.
  • Learn about advanced computational tools and methods.
  • Critically examine the application of Bayesian and frequentist methods to particular physics problems in the subfields.
TU Darmstadt
Seminarraum 18 Building S3|20
Rundeturmstrasse 10 Darmstadt