Vorsitzende der Sitzung
EU Projects
- Patrick Achenbach (Mainz University)
Katharina Henjes-Kunst
11.06.18, 17:15
Miscellaneous and others
SENSE is a project funded by the EC Horizon 2020 as FET Open Coordination and Support Action (CSA).
Within the project a European R&D roadmap towards the ultimate LLL sensor was developed and with the experts group the progress in developments with respect to the roadmap will be monitored.
In addition, a collaboration between several labs experienced in measuring photosensors was developed...
Claudio Piemonte
11.06.18, 17:35
Scintillator-based detectors have been very successful in high energy physics (HEP) calorimetry, medical imaging, and many other applications. In particular, the potential of such detectors to achieve precise timing information is of increasing importance for those applications. The demand to discriminate between closely spaced bunch trains in future highest luminosity accelerators and to...