Cryogenic Properties
- Adam Para (Fermilab)
Cryogenic Properties
- Adam Para (Fermilab)
Wataru Ootani
(Tokyo University)
15/06/2018, 09:15
Adriano Di Giovanni
(New York University Abu Dhabi)
15/06/2018, 09:35
Cryogenic Properties
We present the performances and characterization of an array made of Hamamatsu S13370-3050CN (VUV4 generation) Multi-Pixel Photon Counters for the detection of VUV scintillation light in liquid xenon based applications. The array is readout as a single channel and it is capable of single photon detection making the device a promising option for future generation of neutrino and dark matter...
Christopher Hils
(Mainz University)
15/06/2018, 09:55
Cryogenic Properties
Liquid Xenon Time Projection Chambers (LXeTPC) are used in rare event searches for Dark Matter, neutrinoless double beta decay or in applications as Compton telescope or camera where the noble medium offers a combination of scintillation light and ionization that can be used to build large, uniform 3D position sensitive detectors. We test the feasibility of replacing the common used...
Maik Biroth
(Mainz University)
15/06/2018, 10:15
Cryogenic Properties
Silicon photomultipliers are important in liquid
argon detectors of short-baseline neutrino oscillation
experiments. Furthermore, in spin-polarized proton and deuteron
targets of photoproduction experiments, SiPMs are used for recoil
identification down to absolute zero temperature.
For these and future applications a characterization over the full
cryogenic temperature range is...
Wataru Ootani
(University of Tokyo)
15/06/2018, 11:05
Cryogenic Properties
A liquid xenon photon detector based on highly granular scintillation readout by 4092 VUV-sensitive MPPCs is in preparation for the MEG II experiment.
The VUV-MPPCs have been commissioned and operated in the liquid xenon detector in 2017. The performance of the VUV-MPPCs measured in the commissioning as well as the results from an in-beam test of the liquid xenon detector will be presented.
Andrii Nagai
(University of Geneva)
15/06/2018, 11:25
Cryogenic Properties
Many important SiPM parameters, like breakdown voltage, signal shape, gain, dark count rate, afterpulses probability present significant temperature variations. Therefore, a study of these parameters in a wide temperature range, down to cryogenic temperatures allows to have a closer look to the physical phenomena staying behind this temperature dependence and eventually find equivalent...
Adam Para
15/06/2018, 11:45
Cryogenic Properties