PID Cherenkov Session at CM XXX.

Minutes of the PID-Cherenkov meeting, Tuesday, 8th September, 2009 The meeting was held at GSI due to the ongoing test beam for the Panda-Cherenkov group. People at the collaboration meeting in Juelich participated by EVO. Roland Hohler/Jochen Schwiening, GSI Experiment Sep09: Simulations and first results Roland showed simulation results for the GSI test beam setup and Jochen showed the experimental results. The Cherenkov ring fragments were clearly identified by 4 MCP-PMTs with 256 pixels, read out by two synchronized HADES trigger boards. NINO discrimiator boards were mounted on top of the trigger boards. Alexander Britting, FAU Erlangen, Lifetime measurements of MCP-PMT BINP #82. Alexander showed first results of the channel plate #82 from Budker institute which was illuminated by a LED. The light yield is monitored by a photo diode and the MCP gain measured from time to time. A Lifetime in the order of 50mC/cm2 was found. The quantum efficiency of the photo cathode was measured in a different setup with a attenuated halogen lamp and a grid for wave length selection. The MCP for this measurement was operated without channel plate bias. Klaus Foehl, JL-Uni Giessen, Very first report from Giessen on the GSI test. Klaus presented the hybrid design light guide for time of propagation measurements. It has a focussing light guide and pixelated read out. The Giessen group varied the incident angle of the protons and measured the light yield with 6 Geiger mode APDs. They also watched the coincidences between the diodes. Klaus Foehl, JL-Uni Giessen, Inching forward towards the TDR For the technical design report a SVN repository based on PDFlatex is foreseen. In order to manage result figures with versioning, Klaus advertised the usage of Mediawiki. It is smooth to handle. It was suggested that Klaus opens a test page available for everybody with the right authorizing. Tibor Keri, Uni Glasgow explained the Glasgow test beam setup. They studied the light yield from their radiator for two positions of the beam. The position of the PMT close to the beam shows the expected yield, the far position showed slightly too much yield.
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 11:00 11:35
      GSI Experiment Sep09: Simulations and first results 35m
      Speaker: Roland Hohler / Jochen Schwiening
    • 11:35 11:55
      Lifetime measurements of MCP-PMT BINP #82 20m
      Speaker: Alexander Britting, FAU Erlangen
    • 11:55 12:15
      Very first report from Giessen on the GSI test 20m
      Speaker: Klaus Foehl, JLU Giessen
    • 12:15 12:35
      Inching forward towards the TDR 20m
      Speaker: Klaus Foehl, JLU Giessen