21.–23. Mai 2018
Goethe University Frankfurt and FIAS
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Screening masses and quark free energy at small baryon density

21.05.2018, 18:30
Goethe University Frankfurt and FIAS

Goethe University Frankfurt and FIAS

Ruth-Moufang-Straße 1 60438 Frankfurt am Main


Herr Andrea Rucci (University of Pisa and INFN Sez.Pisa)


We will discuss some results about the behaviour of the screening properties of high-T QCD at finite density. More precisely we will report on the dependence on the baryon chemical potential of the QCD screening masses and of the heavy-quark free energy, as extracted from 2+1 flavours Lattice QCD simulations at the physical point. While for the screening masses a particularly interesting region to be studied is the one close to the Roberge-Weiss transition, the heavy-quark free energy displays a peculiar behaviour at the pseudocritical point of the mu_B=0 theory.


Herr Andrea Rucci (University of Pisa and INFN Sez.Pisa) Dr. Claudio Bonati (Università di Pisa) Dr. Francesco Negro (INFN Pisa) Dr. Francesco Sanfilippo (INFN Roma Tor Vergata) Massimo D'Elia (University of Pisa and INFN) Dr. Michele Mesiti (Swansea University)
