1:30 PM
HADES pp/np data compared to models
Ingo Fröhlich
(Frankfurt University)
2:00 PM
Di-Electrons from Resonances in Nucleon-Nucleon Collisions
Burkhard Kämpfer
(Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
2:30 PM
Dilepton emission in nucleon-nucleon collisions: A theoretical update and prospectives
Rahdhey Shyam
(Gießen University)
3:00 PM
--- break ---
4:00 PM
Nucleon formfactors in eVMD model
Boris Martemyanov
(Tübingen University)
4:30 PM
Delepton production and off-shell transport dynamics at SIS energies
Elena Bratkovskaya
(Frankfurt University)
5:00 PM
Dalitz Decays and Bremsstrahlung from in-Medium EM Spectral Functions
Ralf Rapp
(Texas A&M University)