Vorsitzende der Sitzung
Session 3: Reports from the experiments done III
- Hideaki Otsu (RIKEN Nishina Center)
Masaki Sasano
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
08.08.17, 13:30
I will present the status report of SAMURAI17 experiment and future (p,n) studies and required developments in SAMURAI.
William Lynch
(Michigan State University)
08.08.17, 14:00
The density dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy governs important aspects of very neutron rich systems such as heavy nuclei and neutron stars. Many observables and experiments have been employed to probe the symmetry energy in regions below saturation density and constraints are emerging. At RIKEN, the SπRIT TPC and SAMURAI collaborations have completed a first campaign to extend these...
Satoshi Sakaguchi
(Kyushu University)
08.08.17, 14:30
We measured the elastic scattering of polarized proton from 6He at 200 A MeV in June 2016 as SAMURAI13 experiment. Polarized proton target was used for the measurement. Status of the analysis will be presented.