8-11 August 2017
Lichtenberghaus, Darmstadt
Europe/Berlin timezone

Test of a high resolution particle telescope Ge6 at SAMURAI (Video Conference)

9 Aug 2017, 11:10
Lichtenberghaus, Darmstadt

Lichtenberghaus, Darmstadt

Dieburger Straße 241, 64287 Darmstadt
Presentation Main Sessions Session 6


Dr Stefanos Paschalis (University of York)


A high resolution particle telescope based on HPGe detectors was tested during the first part of the 18O campaign in a parasitic mode at the end of the fragment arm. Some preliminary results on its performance will be discussed.

Primary authors

Dr Stefanos Paschalis (University of York) Dr Ulrika Forsberg (University of York and Lund University)

Presentation Materials

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