8.–11. Aug. 2017
Lichtenberghaus, Darmstadt
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

The SAMURAI27 experiment: Spectroscopy of 31Ne using breakup reactions

08.08.2017, 15:40
Lichtenberghaus, Darmstadt

Lichtenberghaus, Darmstadt

Dieburger Straße 241, 64287 Darmstadt
Presentation Main Sessions Session 4


Herr Takato Tomai (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Department of physics)


In November 2016, we performed the SAMURAI27 experiment. The aim is to search for unbound excited states of 31Ne, a deformed p-wave halo nuclei in the "island of inversion." So far its deformation properties have not been experimentally studied with direct methods. In the present study, we applied the invariant mass method to study the unbound states of 31Ne in the inelastic scattering reaction C(31Ne,30Ne+n) and one neutron removal reaction C(32Ne,30Ne+n) to produce the excited states. In addition, we performed the Coulomb breakup reaction Pb(31Ne,30Ne+n) to obtain further properties of the ground state. In this talk, the experimental setup and the analysis result will be reported.


Herr Takato Tomai (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Department of physics)


Prof. Takashi NAKAMURA (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Dr. Yasuhiro Togano (Rikkyo University) Dr. Yosuke Kondo (Tokyo Institute of Technology)


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