8-11 August 2017
Lichtenberghaus, Darmstadt
Europe/Berlin timezone

Elastic scattering of polarized proton from 6He at 200 A MeV (SAMURAI13)

8 Aug 2017, 14:30
Lichtenberghaus, Darmstadt

Lichtenberghaus, Darmstadt

Dieburger Straße 241, 64287 Darmstadt
Presentation Session 3


Dr Satoshi Sakaguchi (Kyushu University)


We measured the elastic scattering of polarized proton from 6He at 200 A MeV in June 2016 as SAMURAI13 experiment. Polarized proton target was used for the measurement. Status of the analysis will be presented.

Primary author

Dr Satoshi Sakaguchi (Kyushu University)

Presentation Materials

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