Development of metal plate launcher setup for VISAR doppler velocimeter test and calibration.

21 Jun 2017, 16:00
1h 45m
Nebenraum Kantine

Nebenraum Kantine


Mr Roman Gavrilin (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental physics of NRC Kurchatov Institute)


This work devoted to developent of laser diagnostic methods for various experimental studies in HEDgeHOB collaboration. Doppler based velocimetry interferometers (VISAR) will be actively applied in studies of shock waves processes in proton radiography experiments PRIOR [1,2] and high energy density in matter experiments HIHEX and LAPLAS [3].


At first stage of work was developed the metal plate launcher stend. This stend will be used for testing of different types of Doppler velocimeters and allow to launch metal disc with speed more than 300 m/s. The spiral inductance launcher is made of copper wire and have 7 mkH self-inductance. Capacitor bank with capacity from 3 o 12 μF discharged by the thyratron TGI-1-150k/25 and produce current up to 15 kA in inductance. Ponderomotive force drives the object into motion. To measure the velocity of metal plate, the shadowgraphy method was used. To decrease aerodynamic resistance inductance was plaсed in a vacuum chamber. This setup allow to test and calibrate non-equal-shoulder interferometer with polarizable modulation of a signal (push-pull VISAR) (Fig. 1).

Primary author

Mr Roman Gavrilin (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental physics of NRC Kurchatov Institute)

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