Nuclei in the vicinity of the N=Z line around A=70 through the proton drip-line exhibit very rapid
shape changes due to the isospin symmetry breaking related to charge effects. This leads to
differences in excitation energy between analogue states in isobaric multiplets. We have performed
a Coulomb excitation experiment of 70Kr in order to measure the B(E2;0 + →2 + ) value for the
first time. The experiment was performed at the Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory (RIBF). The
78Kr primary beam at 345 MeV/nucleon was impinging on 9Be target. The BigRIPS fragment
separator was used in order to deliver the 70Kr and isotopes at around 150MeV/nucleon to the
secondary target for Coulomb excitation and inelastic scattering measurements. The emitted
gamma-rays of the reaction were detected by DALI2 array and recoils were identified by the
ZeroDegree Spectrometer. Results will allow to make a direct comparison with the mirror nucleus
70Se and will give an important new information about shape co-existence across the N=Z line.
The chain for the experimental knowledge on Kr isotopes was extended with this study and
compared it with theoretical calculations. Results also allow to make a direct comparison with 70Se
which gives important new information about the shape coexistence phenomenon, the existence of
two stable shapes at the same excitation energies, across the N=Z line. Additionally, the mirror
energy differences of Tz=1 isobaric analogue states for 70Kr with respect to its mirror 70Se and
triple energy differences of the multiplet were probed by including the 70Br isotope in the analysis.
Tugba Arici
(GSI, Darmstadt)
Jürgen Gerl
(GSI, Darmstadt)
Kathrin Wimmer
(Central Michigan University)
Pieter Doornenbal
Wolfram Korten