26-29 June 2017
Europe/Berlin timezone

A New Dedicated Plunger Device for the GALILEO $\gamma$-ray array

Not scheduled


Planckstraße 1 64291 Darmstadt


Mr Claus Müller-Gatermann (University of Cologne - Institute for Nuclear Physics, Germany)


Different plunger devices have been developed in the last decades to be used with high efficiency $\gamma$-ray arrays and with complementary detectors such as the large acceptance spectrometers: PRISMA and VAMOS. Recently, a new plunger device for the $\gamma$-ray array GALILEO has been developed in collaboration with the INFN Legnaro and which can be used with the existing auxillary detectors e.g. EUCLIDES. We will report on the mechanical design and functionality of this plunger device, as well as on the constrains given partly by the complete spectrometer, which led to this design. We will close with the results of the commissioning run using a $^{154}$Sm($^{32}$S,6n)$^{180}$Pt reaction at a beam energy of 183 MeV. The experiment was chosen to reproduce the known lifetimes in $^{180}$Pt and since it stands for a typical reaction using a plunger device coupled to GALILEO this can be seen as a proof of concept. Supported by the DFG under contract number DE 1516/3-1.

Primary author

Mr Claus Müller-Gatermann (University of Cologne - Institute for Nuclear Physics, Germany)


Alain Goasduff (INFN, Laboratori Nazionali die Legnaro, Legnaro (Padova), Italy) Alfred Dewald (Universiät zu Köln, Deutschland) Alina Goldkuhle (Universiät zu Köln, Deutschland) Dr Christoph Fransen (Institut für Kernphysik, Universität zu Köln) Dr Daniele Mengoni (University of Padova) Dorothea Wölk (Universiät zu Köln, Deutschland) Jose Javier Valiente-Dobón (INFN, Laboratori Nazionali die Legnaro, Legnaro (Padova), Italy) Julia Litzinger (Universiät zu Köln, Deutschland) Marcel Bast (Universiät zu Köln, Deutschland) Marcel Beckers (Universiät zu Köln, Deutschland) Thomas Braunroth (Universiät zu Köln, Deutschland)

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