26.–29. Juni 2017
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Isomer decay spectroscopy of neutron-rich 92-94 Se

Nicht eingeplant


Planckstraße 1 64291 Darmstadt


Herr Cesar Lizarazo (GSI / T.U. Darmstadt)


92-94Se were studied experimentally via gamma-ray decay spectroscopy. The experiment was conducted at the RIBF-RIKEN factilicty, where In-flight fission of 238U was used as production mechanism of the exotic nuclei. The BigRIPS Fragment separator was used to select and deliver the RIB. The nuclei were identified via Z and A/Q determination using the ZeroDegree spectrometer and implanted in the AIDA stopper placed at the center of the EURICA HPGe detector array. New transitions on all the nuclei studied were detected allowing to extend the corresponding level schemes. The isomeric state of 94Se studied in this work has been observed for the first time. The origin of the observed isomeric states is discussed and the experimental results are compared to up-to-date calculations. Supported by NuSTAR DA unter grant No. 05P12RDFN8.


Herr Alexandre Obertelli (CEA Saclay) Herr Cesar Lizarazo (GSI / T.U. Darmstadt) Dr. Cristina-Roxana Nita (Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH)) Prof. Norbert Pietralla (TU Darmstadt) Dr. P.-A. Södeström (TU Darmstadt - RIKEN) Dr. Pieter Doornenbal (RIKEN) Dr. Volker Werner (TU Darmstadt)


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