26.–29. Juni 2017
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Lifetime measurement in N=Z=50 region

Nicht eingeplant


Planckstraße 1 64291 Darmstadt


Herr Marco Siciliano (INFN - LNL)


The shell structure of nuclei with few nucleons outside the double-shell closure Z=N=50 has attracted a large interest. Several studies were performed in this region to examine the robustness of the proton shell closure when N=50 is approached. The excitation energy of the 2+ states in the Sn isotopes as well as the reduced transition probabilities B(E2) provide a clear evidence of the shell evolution along the whole isotopic chain. For the neutron-deficient Sn isotopes, the information on B(E2; 4+ → 2+) is completely absent and the B(E2; 2+ → 0+) values suffer from large experimental uncertainties, which make the interpretation of the shell evolution controversial. During the AGATA campaign in GANIL, the quadrupole correlations of 106,108Sn were studied by extracting the B(E2) values of low-lying states. In the contribution, some preliminary results will be shown.


Dr. Alain Goasduff (INFN - Padova) Dr. José Javier Valiente-Dobon (INFN - LNL) Herr Marco Siciliano (INFN - LNL)


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