26.–29. Juni 2017
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Towards lifetime and g-factor measurements of short-lived states in the vicinity of 208Pb

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Planckstraße 1 64291 Darmstadt


The present presentation reports on the status of the analysis of the E672 experiment that was performed in July 2015 at GANIL. The aim of the experiment was to measure lifetimes of excited states in the 208Pb region, focusing mainly on the lifetime of the 2+ states of 204-206Hg. The nuclei of interest were populated with multi-nucleon transfer reactions. The beam-like recoils were identified with the VAMOS++ [1] magnetic spectrometer while the gamma rays were detected in AGATA [2]. A Plunger device was used for the lifetime determination based on the RDDS technique. In this experiment, we can rely only on the mass of the fragments detected by VAMOS in order to identify the reaction products. The x-rays of the ejectile will be used to determine their proton number. Although at the present stage of the analysis it is not clear yet which part of the statistics we will be able to use to reconstruct the mass of the beam-like product, and in particular 206Hg, the analysis showed promising possibility for the lifetime determination of the 19/2- state of 207Pb, located above the 13/2+ isomeric state. This 19/2- state is expected to be a two-phonon octupole excitation build on top of a neutron-hole excitation of 207Pb. The lifetime measurement of this should allow to confirm, or refute, such a hypothesis. The analysis and the preliminary results concerning this lifetime will be presented in this contribution. [1] M. Rejmund et al., NIM A646 (2005) 184-191 [2] S. Akkoyun et al., NIM A668 (2012) 26-58


Dr. Damian Ralet (CSNSM)


Dr. Georgi Georgiev (CSNSM)


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