Angela Gligorova
(Stefan Meyer Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences)
13.09.17, 14:00
Antihydrogen: CPT and gravity
Oral presentation
One of the key aspects in antimatter research is the detection and tagging of
antiprotons and antihydrogen, which is usually achieved via tracking of the
annihilation products while the annihilation occurs somewhere else, e.g. on the
walls of the traps. We hereby report on a novel approach of a so-called
direct detection of antiprotons, in which they annihilate within the detector
Andrei Ivanov
(Atominstitut, TU Wien),
Markus Wellenzohn
(FH Campus Wien, University of Applied Sciences)
13.09.17, 14:20
Precision experiments with cold neutrons
Oral presentation
Torsion is a geometrical characteristic of a curved spacetime, which is
additional to a metric tensor. In the standard form of the Eistein-Cartan
gravitational theory it is shown that the contribution of torsion to the
Einstein equations can be interpreted in terms of the torsion
energy-momentum tensor. A requirement of its local conservation in a curved
spacetime with an arbitrary metric...
Sergey Salnikov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
13.09.17, 14:40
Hadron physics with antiprotons
Oral presentation
The $p\bar{p}$ invariant mass spectra of the processes $J/\psi\to p\bar{p}\pi^0$, $J/\psi\to p\bar{p}\eta$, $J/\psi\to p\bar{p}\omega$, $J/\psi\to p\bar{p}\rho$, and $J/\psi\to p\bar{p}\gamma$ close to the $p\bar{p}$ threshold are calculated by means of the $N\bar{N}$ optical potential. The simple potential model for $N\bar{N}$ interaction in the $^{1}S_{0}$ and $^{3}S_{1}$ states is proposed....
Horst Lenske
(JLU Giesen)
13.09.17, 15:00
Hadron physics with antiprotons
Oral presentation
Coherent reactions, when the hypernucleus is produced in a fixed quantum state, are especially sensitive to the reaction mechanism and to the properties of the hyperon-nucleus interaction. Exclusive hypernuclear production reactions by antiproton annihilation on a nuclear target populating single-Lambda states plab = 1.5...20 GeV/c are discussed in a Glauber model approach [1,2]. Initial and...
Shunzo Kumano
13.09.17, 15:20
Hadron physics at LHC
Oral presentation
Tomography and gravitational radii for hadrons by three-dimensional structure functions
S. Kumano, Qin-Tao Song, and O. V. Teryaev
Hadron tomography can be investigated by three-dimensional structure functions such as generalized parton distributions (GPDs), transverse-momentum-dependent parton distribution (TMDs), and generalized distribution amplitudes (GDAs). The GPDs and GDAs contain...
Jiri Mares
(Nuclear Physics Institute)
13.09.17, 16:00
Kaon-nucleon and kaon-nucleus interaction
Oral presentation
We report on our very recent self-consistent calculations of $K^-$-nuclear quasi-bound states [1]. Relevant $K^-$ optical potentials were developed within several chiral meson-baryon coupled-channel interaction models [2-5]. The applied models yield quite different $K^-$ binding energies and widths [6]. Then, the $K^-$ multinucleon interactions were incorporated by a phenomenological optical...
Aleksander Milstein
(BINP), Dr.
Anton Bogomyagkov
Eugene Levichev
(Budker INP), Dr.
Vladimir Druzhinin
13.09.17, 16:20
Future facilities and instrumentation
Oral presentation
The paper discusses a low energy е+е- collider for production of the (mumu-) bound system (dimuonium) which has not yet been observed. We use large crossing angle for e+e- beams intersection; therefore, dimuonium carries non-zero momentum and its decay point is shifted from the beam collision area providing effective suppression of the elastic e+e- scattering background. Discussion of the...
Markus Moritz
(JLU Giessen)
13.09.17, 16:40
Future facilities and instrumentation
Oral presentation
The first major assembly stage of the barrel part of the electromagnetic calorimeter of the PANDA experiment at the future FAIR facility by assembling one single barrel slice segment will be presented. The calorimeter is composed of two endcaps and a barrel covering the major part of the solid angle consisting of more than 11.300 tapered PbWO4 crystals. Each scintillator module is readout via...
Ales Cieply
(Nuclear Physics Institute, 250 68 Rez, Czech Republic)
13.09.17, 17:00
Kaon-nucleon and kaon-nucleus interaction
Oral presentation
The modern approach to meson-baryon interactions at low energies is based on coupled-channels techniques with inter-channels couplings derived from an effective chiral Lagrangian. These interactions lead to emergence of dynamically generated resonances that are assigned to experimentally observed hadronic states with the $\Lambda(1405)$ and $N^{*}(1535)$ being the most prominent ones in the...
Thomas Phillips
(Illinois Institute of Technology)
13.09.17, 17:20
Leptonic atoms: QED and gravity
Oral presentation
A direct measurement of the gravitational acceleration of antimatter has the potential to show that we live in a “Dirac-Milne” Universe, which could explain cosmological observations without the need for dark matter, dark energy, inflation, or missing antimatter. Such a measurement would also be sensitive to the possible existence of a fifth force. Cooling antimatter to temperatures where...