Nina Shevchenko
(Nuclear Physics Institute)
12.09.17, 14:00
Kaon-nucleon and kaon-nucleus interaction
Oral presentation
An exotic system consisting of an antikaon and three nucleons will be considered. A search of a quasi-bound state in the system will be performed using four-body Faddeev-type equations. Different antiKN potentials will be used for studying dependence of the results on the two-body input.
Jaroslava Hrtankova
(Nuclear Physics Institute, Rez, Czech Republic)
12.09.17, 14:20
Kaon-nucleon and kaon-nucleus interaction
Oral presentation
This contribution deals with our recent study of antiproton-nucleus quasi bound states [1] using the latest version of the Paris $\bar{N}N$ potential [2]. We construct the pbar-nucleus optical potential based on the related S- and P-wave scattering amplitudes. The free amplitudes are modified by multiple scattering approach in order to account for Pauli correlations in the medium [3]. We...
Alessandro Scordo
12.09.17, 14:40
Kaon-nucleon and kaon-nucleus interaction
Oral presentation
The interaction of antikaons with nucleons and nuclei in the low-energy regime represents an active research field in hadron physics with still many important open questions. The investigation of light kaonic atoms, in which one electron is replaced by a negatively charged kaon, is a unique tool to provide precise information on this interaction; the energy shift and the broadening of the...
Shinji Okada
12.09.17, 15:00
Kaon-nucleon and kaon-nucleus interaction
Oral presentation
The HEATES collaboration aims to pioneer the next-generation high-resolution x-ray spectroscopy of hadronic atoms. We use a novel cryogenic x-ray spectrometer: an array of superconducting transition-edge-sensor (TES) microcalorimeters, offering unprecedented full-width-at-half-maximum energy resolution of 2 - 3 eV at 6 keV. The 240 pixel spectrometer array will have a large collecting area of...
Joana Wirth
(TU München)
12.09.17, 15:20
Kaon-nucleon and kaon-nucleus interaction
Oral presentation
The production and properties of open and hidden strange hadrons ($K^+$, $K^-$ and $\phi$) in cold nuclear matter generated in pion-nucleus reactions ($\pi^- + A$, $A = C, W$) at $p_{\pi^-}= 1.7$~GeV/c has been investigated with the HADES setup (SIS18/GSI).\\
Exploring the modification of the (anti-)kaon spectral function in nuclear matter which should be already apparent at finite baryon...
Kenta Miyahara
(Kyoto university)
12.09.17, 16:00
Kaon-nucleon and kaon-nucleus interaction
Oral presentation
In this talk, the derivation of a KbarN-piSigma coupled-channels potential from chiral SU(3) dynamics will be presented. Recently, precise experimental data of the energy shift of kaonic hydrogen have been obtained by SIDDHARTA. Thanks to these data, the uncertainty of the KbarN scattering amplitude has been significantly reduced below the KbarN threshold, which leads to the quantitative...
Michal Silarski
(Jagiellonian University)
12.09.17, 16:20
Low-energy QCD
Oral presentation
The strength of the kaon-antikaon interaction is crucial in the discussion on the nature of the scalar resonances a0(980) and f0(980), in particular for their interpretation as a K+K- molecules. So far, one of the few possibilities to study this interaction was the kaon pair production in multi-particle exit channels, e.g. like pp->ppK+K−. In this talk we present results of the K+K−...
Avraham Gal
(Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel)
12.09.17, 16:40
Low-energy QCD
Oral presentation
The onset of Eta(548) binding in nuclei is explored in stochastic variational method (SVM) few-body calculations within a pionless effective field theory (EFT) approach at leading order, using
regulated NN and NNN contact terms and a regulated energy-dependent Eta-N contact term derived from coupled-channel models of the
N*(1535) nucleon resonance. A self consistency procedure is applied...
Takahiro Nishi
(RIKEN Nishina center)
12.09.17, 17:00
Low-energy QCD
Oral presentation
We report the precision spectroscopy of the pionic 121, 116Sn atom using the 122, 117Sn(d, 3He) reaction near the charged pion emission threshold.
An established approach for quantitative evaluation of the chiral symmetry breaking in finite density is study of pion-nucleus interaction through the experimental measurement of pionic atoms. So far the 1s pionic states in 205Pb and 115, 119,...
Magdalena Skurzok
(Jagiellonian University)
12.09.17, 17:20
Low-energy QCD
Oral presentation
The existence of eta-mesic nuclei in which the eta meson is bound in a nucleus by means of the strong interaction was postulated already in 1986 but it has not been yet confirmed experimentally. The discovery of this new kind of an exotic nuclear matter would be very important as it might allow for a better understanding of the h meson structure and its interaction with nucleons. The search...
Reinhard Alkofer
(University Graz)
12.09.17, 17:40
Low-energy QCD
Oral presentation
A calculation of the electromagentic transition form factors between ground-state octet and decuplet baryons as well as the octet-only $\Sigma^0$ to $\Lambda$ transition is presented in the combined framework of of Dyson-Schwinger equations and covariant Bethe-Salpeter equations. Emphasis is put in the similarities among the different transitions as well as in the differences induced by...