Bernadette Kolbinger
(Stefan Meyer Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences)
The ASACUSA collaboration at CERNs Antiproton Decelerator aims to
measure the ground-state hyperfine splitting of antihydrogen using a spec-
troscopy method as a means to test CPT symmetry. The Rabi-type setup
consists of an antiproton accumulator, a positron source, and a mixing trap
functioning as antihydrogen source and a spectroscopy apparatus made out
of a microwave cavity and a superconduction sextupole magnet, terminating
in a tracking detector [1].
In previous beamtimes, this detector was made up out of a central BGO
crystal and two layers of scintillating bars parallel to the beam direction
[2][3]. This setup allowed measurements of the point of annihilation and
the energy deposited as well as the angle of escaping π-mesons. Moreover,
as the bars are read out on both sides a coarse position resolution in beam
direction was also achieveable using timing information.
For 2017s beamtime the detector was modified to allow a more precise
spatial resolution in the beam direction by incorporating two additional
layers of scintillating fibers perpendicular to the existing scintillating bars.
The additional layers provide a spatial resolution in the order of millimeter
which allows for an efficient discrimination of cosmic background as well as
advanced tracking of the products of annihilation reactions. This contri-
bution covers the design and construction of this upgrade to ASACUSAs
detector as well as the results of preliminary performance studies.
[1] E. Widmann et al. “Measurement of the hyperfine structure of antihy-
drogen in a beam”. In: (Jan. 2013). arXiv: 1301.4670v1. url: http:
//arxiv.org/abs/1301.4670v1 (cit. on p. 1).
[2] Y. Nagata et al. “The development of the antihydrogen beam detec-
tor and the detection of the antihydrogen atoms for in-flight hyperfine
spectroscopy”. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635.2 (2015),
p. 022061. url: http://stacks.iop.org/1742-6596/635/i=2/a=
022061 (cit. on p. 1).
[3] C. Sauerzopf et al. “Annihilation detector for an in-beam spectroscopy
apparatus to measure the ground state hyperfine splitting of antihy-
drogen”. In: (June 2016). url: http://www.sciencedirect.com/
science/article/pii/S0168900216305630 (cit. on p. 1).
Primary author
Markus Fleck
(Stefan-Meyer-Institute for subatomic Physics)
Bernadette Kolbinger
(Stefan Meyer Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences)
Chloé Malbrunot
Claude Amsler
(Albert Einstein Center, Uni Bern)
Eberhard Widmann
(Stefan Meyer Institute)
Johann Zmeskal
Martin Simon
(Stefan-Meyer-Institute for subatomic Physics)
Volkhard Mäckel
(Stefan-Meyer-Institute for subatomic Physics)