azam Ghaffari-tooran
(Semnan University of Iran)
We present the results of non-singlet QCD analysis of xF3(x,Q2)
structure function in NLO and NNLO which are performed based on
charged current (CC) neutrino-nucleon deep inelastic scattering (DIS).
In this analysis we extract the valence quark parton distributions
xuv(x,Q2) and xdv(x,Q2) in a wide range of x and Q2, and
determine their parameterization in two different scenarios with the
correlated errors using xFitter package. We determine the strong
coupling of Undefined control sequence alphs up to NNLO and perform a comparison with other determinations of Undefined control sequence alphs in deeply inelastic scattering. Our results for valence quark distributions and the strong coupling constant at NLO and NNLO are compatible with the
available theoretical models.
Primary author
azam Ghaffari-tooran
(Semnan University of Iran)
Ali Khorramian
(Semnan University of Iran)
Hamed Abdolmaleki
(Semnan university of Iran)