Steffen Maurus
(TU München)
World data for elastic $\Lambda-p$ scattering over a wide range of relative momenta are quite scarce and only available for small beam momenta with an overall statistics of less then 200.
The situation for $\pi^-$-induced reactions is even more limited.
In order to improve the theoretical description, new constraints are necessary to parametrise the cross sections.
In this context a dedicated $\pi^-$ + A (A = C, W) experimental campaign was performed at $p_\pi = 1.7$ $GeV/c$ with the HADES detector (SIS18/GSI).
The $\Lambda$ yield has been studied and further on the $\Lambda - p$ correlation is investigated.
For the reconstruction of the $\Lambda$ in the inclusive spectra the charged decay channel ($\Lambda \rightarrow p \pi^-$, BR = 63.9\%) is examined.
After topological cuts, an integrated yield of ~11k $\Lambda$ has been extracted with a purity of 93\% ($\pi^- + W$).
The data is corrected for limited efficiency and acceptance and extrapolated to uncovered phase space by using a Boltzmann distribution.
For the study of the $\Lambda - p$ correlation it is necessary to know all kinematic variables of the $\Lambda$ before the scattering, which are reconstructed with the incoming beam and the outgoing $K^0$.
Thus, events with a matching charge pattern ($\Lambda \rightarrow \pi^- p, K^0 \rightarrow \pi^+ \pi^-, p$) are selected.
Based on a likelihood-method the particle species is determined considering the specific energy-loss in the MDCs and velocity $\beta$.
Since the selected pattern contains two $\pi^-$ and p in the final state, an event hypothesis is applied to assign their corresponding mother particle.
The best combination is selected by a simultaneous matching of the invariant mass to the nominal value within the detector resolution.
This procedure leads to an extraction of $\sim$6k events in the $\pi^- + W$ system. \newline
Shown on the poster is the extracted $\Lambda$ yield, aside with the preliminary $\Lambda - p$ correlation.
* supported by the DFG cluster of excellence "Origin and Structure
of the Universe" and BMBF 05P15WOFCA
Primary author
Steffen Maurus
(TU München)
Laura Fabbietti
(GSI, Darmstadt)