10-15 September 2017
Europe/Vienna timezone

Alkali Earth Ion Spectroscopy in Preparation of a Weinberg Angle Measurement

12 Sep 2017, 18:00
Aula (Vienna)



Austrian Academy of Sciences Theatersaal Sonnenfelsgasse 19 1010 Vienna, Austria
Poster presentation Leptonic atoms: QED and gravity Poster


Mrs Niveya Valappol (University of Groningen)


Through precision spectroscopy on Ba+ ions we determine precisely the 6s2S1/2 - 6p2P1/2, 6p2P1/2 - 5d2D3/2, 6s2S1/2 - 5d2D3/2 transition frequencies. In these experiments we employ laser-cooled single trapped ions. The optical frequencies are controlled by a frequency comb and I2 line locked laser system. We have achieved more than 2 orders of magnitude improved values, i.e. we have reached 10−11 relative accuracy. In a further measurement we have determined precisely the lifetime of the lifetime of the 5d2D5/2 state. Our experiment is aimed at precisely testing the available atomic calculations and in particular atomic wave functions the knowledge of which is needed for interpreting a precise measurement of atomic parity violation in heavy alkaline earth atoms through light shifts in the narrow optical 6s2S1/2-5d2D3/2 single photon transition. The weak mixing angle can be determined precisely from the weak interaction contributions between primarily the nuclear neutrons and the atomic valence electron to the atomic binding.

Primary author

Mrs Niveya Valappol (University of Groningen)


Dr Amita Mohanty (University of Groningen) Mr Aswin Hofsteenge (University of Groningen) Mr Elwin A. Dijck (University of Groningen) Prof. Klaus Jungmann (FMNS, University of Groningen) Dr Lorenz Willmann (VAn Swinderen Institute, University of Groningen)

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