10.–15. Sept. 2017
Europe/Vienna Zeitzone

Exotic and conventional bottomonium physics prospects at Belle II

13.09.2017, 14:40


Austrian Academy of Sciences Theatersaal Sonnenfelsgasse 19 1010 Vienna, Austria
Oral presentation Future facilities and instrumentation Parallel P7 & P8


Prof. Todd Pedlar (Luther College)


The Belle II experiment, being constructed at the KEK laboratory in Japan, is a substantial upgrade of both the Belle detector and the KEKB accelerator. It aims at collecting 50 times more data than existing B-Factory samples beginning in 2019. Belle II is uniquely capable of studying the so-called "XYZ" particles: heavy exotic hadrons consisting of more than three quarks. First discovered by Belle, these now number in the dozens, and represent the emergence of a new category within quantum chromodynamics. This talk will present the capabilities of Belle II to explore exotic and conventional bottomonium physics. There will be a particular focus on the physics reach of the first data, where opportunities exist to make an immediate impact in this area.


Prof. Todd Pedlar (Luther College)
