30.–31. Mai 2016
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone
We are pleased to announce a Symposium to be held at GSI Darmstadt, Germany. The two days will be dedicated to the Future Perspective of Biophysics Research at GSI/FAIR. The basic idea of this symposium is to combine presentations summarizing the current research activities of the GSI Biophysics department with presentations from external experts pointing out potential future research directions. Sufficient time will be allotted for discussing potential expansions into new highly relevant areas of research that can be addressed by the biophysics group within their experimental facilities taking advantage of the groups expertise. There is no registration fee for this symposium; however, we would like to ask all participants to register on the symposium webpage so that we can keep track of the expected number of participants.
Main Auditorium SB1 1.200
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH Planckstraße 1 64291 Darmstadt
Conference Office: Mrs. Maria Didonna-Schnellbaecher Mrs. Julia Bellartz Tel: +49-(0)6159-71-2139 Fax: +49-(0)6159-71-2106 Email: bio-sekretariat@gsi.de Please do not forget your passport at the GSI gate. The participants are requested to make their own arrangements for accommodation.