13-16 May 2002
GSI, Darmstadt
Europe/Berlin timezone

Contribution List

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Walter Henning (GSI, Darmstadt)
13/05/2002, 09:00
Volker Friese (GSI, Darmstadt)
13/05/2002, 09:40
Mark Alford (Glasgow University)
13/05/2002, 10:20
Zoltan Fodor (Budapest)
13/05/2002, 11:30
S Rosswog (Leicester)
13/05/2002, 12:10
Roy Lacey (SUNY, Stony Brook)
13/05/2002, 14:20
Harald Appelshäuser (Heidelberg University)
13/05/2002, 15:00
Ralph Rapp (SUNY, Stony Brook)
13/05/2002, 15:30
S.H. Lee (Seoul)
13/05/2002, 17:00
M van Leeuwen (Amsterdam)
13/05/2002, 17:30
P Danielewicz (MSU, East-Lansing)
14/05/2002, 09:00
S Leupold (Giessen)
14/05/2002, 09:40
C Fuchs (Tübingen)
14/05/2002, 10:10
Nu Xu (LBL, Berkeley)
14/05/2002, 11:10
A Dumitru (Brookhaven)
14/05/2002, 11:40
Scott Pratt (MSU, East-Lansing)
14/05/2002, 12:10
G Usai (Cagliari)
14/05/2002, 15:30
Marc Winter (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien(IPHC))
14/05/2002, 16:30
Peter Fischer (Universität Bonn)
14/05/2002, 17:00
Bogdan Zwieglinski (Soltan Institue for Nuclear Studies)
14/05/2002, 17:50
Axel Drees (SUNY, Stony Brook)
15/05/2002, 09:00
Piotr Salabura (Jagiellonian University)
15/05/2002, 09:30
Zoltan Fodor (KFKI, Budapest)
15/05/2002, 10:00
R Gernhäuser (München)
15/05/2002, 11:00
M Staric (Ljubljana)
15/05/2002, 11:30
Paolo Fonte (LIP, Coimbra)
15/05/2002, 12:00
Mihai Petrovici (IFIN-HH, Bucharest)
15/05/2002, 14:00
Johannes Wessels (GSI, Darmstadt)
15/05/2002, 14:30
Anton Andronic (GSI, Darmstadt)
15/05/2002, 15:00
Volker Lindenstruth (KIP, Heidelberg)
15/05/2002, 16:00

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