Marcel Tiemens
(Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut (University of Groningen))
18.02.16, 17:10
One of the physics highlights of the future PANDA experiment is to search for exotic states that have been predicted by theory, and whose properties are governed by the presence of valence gluons. Such exotic states can be formed directly and copiously in proton-antiproton annihilations. The challenge lies in reducing the enormous background yield while preserving a high efficiency for the...
Giulio Mezzadri
(Università degli Studi di Ferrara and INFN)
18.02.16, 18:00
The BESIII experiment is a multi-purpose detector operating on the electron-positron collider BEPCII in Beijing. Since 2008, the world's largest sample of J/psi, psi' were collected. Due to increasing luminosity, the inner drift chamber is showing signs of ageing. In 2014, an upgrade was proposed by the Italian collaboration based on the Cylindrical Gas Electron Multiplier (CGEM) technology,...
Iaroslav Panasenko
(Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen(UT-PIT))
18.02.16, 18:25
The CBM experiment at FAIR will investigate the properties of nuclear matter at extreme conditions created in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions. Its core detector — the Silicon Tracking System (STS) — will allow to reconstruct charged particle tracks with high precision and determine their momentum. The detection of rare probes requires the STS to be capable to measure at interaction...