Jochen Thaeder
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
18.02.16, 08:30
The Beam Energy Scan (BES) program was carried out at RHIC with the main goals to find signatures for the disappearance of the QGP, a QCD phase transition, and for a critical point. An overview of various observables studied by STAR and PHENIX to identify those structures in the QCD phase diagram will be presented. Furthermore, I will give an outlook on the BES phase II program which is...
Patrick Sellheim
18.02.16, 09:15
Virtual photon decays to lepton pairs are considered as an ideal probe to access information of all stages of heavy-ion collisions. However, this probe is very rare and is surrounded by a high track density environment produced in heavy-ion collisions. This complicates the track reconstruction and makes identification of lepton pairs challenging.
Events of Au+Au collisions at a beam energy of...
Chong Qi
(Royal Institute of Technology (KTH))
18.02.16, 09:40
In this talk I would like to give a brief review on our recent studies regarding the structure of nuclei around 100Sn. I will first introduce the collectivity properties in Sn and Te isotopes and the possible role played by the cross-shell excitation and the quadrupole-quadrupole correlation. In particular, I will also show that the seniority symmetry is dynamically conserved in j=9/2 shells...
Christiaan Alwin Douma
(KVI-CART, University of Groningen)
18.02.16, 10:25
The Super FRagment Separator (Super-FRS) at the FAIR facility will be the largest in-flight separator of heavy ions in the world. The separation principle is based on the use of beam collimators to stop the unwanted ions. In one of the most common situations, the heavy ions are produced by a fission reaction of a primary Uranium-238 beam (1.5 GeV/u) hitting a Carbon-12 target. In this...
Andreas Krassnigg
(Univ. Graz)
18.02.16, 10:50
The Dyson-Schwinger-Bethe-Salpeter-equation approach provides a covariant framework to study mesons, and more generally hadrons, in QCD. I'll discuss both the role of truncations in numerical studies based on this approach, as well as recent results [1-4] for spectroscopy and properties of heavy and light quarkonia with both conventional and exotic-vector quantum numbers.
Lukáš Chlad
(Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR)
18.02.16, 11:15
The HADES experiment at GSI Helmholtzzentrum f\"{u}r Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt (Germany) is fix target experiment using SIS-18 accelerator to study collisions of protons, heavy-ions or secondary pions with target nuclei. HADES is designed to study reactions with di-electrons in final state but it provides also very accurate measurement of charged hadrons.
The pion induced reactions...