Christoph Rosenbaum
(II. Physikalisches Institut, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen), Herr
Stefan Diehl
(II. Physikalisches Institut, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen)
16.02.16, 16:45
The electromagnetic calorimeter (EMC) of the PANDA detector at the future FAIR facility will be used to study proton - antiproton interaction. The EMC of the target spectrometer with its expected excellent performance and efficiency for electromagnetic probes over a wide energy range from 10 MeV up to 15 GeV, will be one of the central components to achieve the physical goals. The barrel part...
Pierre Moreau
(Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität)
16.02.16, 17:10
We study the production of (anti-) strange and multi-strange hadrons in heavy ion collisions from FAIR/NICA to RHIC energies within the Parton-Hadron-String Dynamics (PHSD) microscopic transport approach, which contains the partonic and hadronic dynamics. We observed traces from the QGP by looking at a verity of ‘bulk’ observables like the excitation functions of particle yields, pt- and...
A Three-Flavor Chiral Effective Model with Four Baryonic Multiplets within the Mirror Assignment
Lisa Olbrich
16.02.16, 18:25
In the framework of the extended Linear Sigma Model we study four baryonic multiplets introduced via the mirror assignment, which allows chirally invariant mass terms. We first investigate formal features of a three-flavor treatment of the problem and then study the reduction to the two flavor case. In the latter, four baryonic doublets are present: the nucleon $N(939)$ and the Roper $N(1440)$...