12-14 November 2014
Hotel zum Löwen
Europe/Berlin timezone

Practical Information

  • The meeting will take place at the hotel "Löwen" in Walldorf, see http://www.zumloewen.de/en/
  • The hotel can easily be reached from Frankfurt airport by public transportation (direct bus connection, ~25 min., ~3 Euro) or taxi (~15 min., ~20...25 Euro). Please check http://www.zumloewen.de/en/anfahrtlinks/
  • We kindly ask you to make the room reservation yourself: please use http://www.zumloewen.de/en/kontakt/ and give the keyword "GSI" in the subject field. We have reserved a number of rooms until Nov. 04th, 2014. The hotel accepts the following credit cards: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Diners Club International.
  • It will be useful when you send your itinerary (arrival and departure times) also to our secretary Mrs. Luise Doersching-Steitz (sekretariat-nustar@gsi.de)