Feb 1 – 6, 2015
Hotel Frankenbach, Eltville, Germany
Europe/Berlin timezone
Hotel Frankenbach, Eltville, Germany
Fundamental constants 2015 Workshop on the determination of the fundamental constants (Eltville, February, 1 – 6, 2015) Conference summary information: The workshop took place as scheduled on February, 1 – 6, 2015 at Hotel Frankenbach, Eltville, Germany. 78 participants from 11 countries have been registered and with very few exceptions they managed to take participation at the workshop, delivering 46 talks, 4 brief communications and 21 posters. The final program is available. The workshop has been supported by IUPAP, CODATA, GSI, and NIST. The conference activity also included a satellite meeting of CCT-SI group, scheduled as a parallel session on February, 6, (CCT = Consultative Committee on Temperature; The SI group = Working group on the redefinition of the SI system.) Publication of the proceedings is expected in Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data (http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jpcrd;jsessionid=19olhtjdjmaz3.x-aip-live-06).