Sep 22 – 27, 2014
Vietri sul Mare
Europe/Berlin timezone

A Primer on Nucleosynthesis

Sep 27, 2014, 9:15 AM
Hotel meeting room (Vietri sul Mare)

Hotel meeting room

Vietri sul Mare


Dr Matthew Mumpower (University of Notre Dame)


Where do the atoms in your body come from? This question can be answered by invoking ideas from nuclear, particle, and astro physics. The field of nucleosynthesis combines these disciplines by studying processes in nature that create nuclei from pre-existing nucleons or from other nuclei. In this talk I discuss basic concepts of nuclear reactions and astrophysical environments. I provide an overview of the different nucleosynthesis processes observed thus far. From the big bang to supernova explosions each event creates different sectors of isotopes found on the periodic table. Studying the outcome of nucleosynthesis events can teach us not only about astrophysical scenarios but offer great insight into the various epochs of the universe.

Primary author

Dr Matthew Mumpower (University of Notre Dame)

Presentation materials

Peer reviewing
