26-31 October 2014
Erbacher Hof, Mainz
Europe/Berlin timezone


New Control Room Technologies

27 Oct 2014, 10:30
Erbacher Hof, Mainz

Erbacher Hof, Mainz

Grebenstraße 24-26, 55116 Mainz


New Control Room Technologies

  • Petra Schütt (GSI Ges. für Schwerionenforschung mbH)


There are many new technologies available that could be adapted to the Control Room. Some of them might be new computer screens/monitors, video walls, fixed displays, touch screens, other input devices, etc. We would like to see examples of what is available and how it is being used in control rooms.

Presentation Materials

There are no materials yet.
Petra Schuett
27/10/2014, 10:30
Andreas Luedeke (PSI)
27/10/2014, 10:40
MunGyung Kim (PAL)
27/10/2014, 11:00
Peter Ingrassia (BNL)
27/10/2014, 11:40
Building timetable...