General, Miscellaneous
- Calin Alexandru Ur (ELI-NP)
Patric Holmvall
(Chalmers University of Technology)
03/09/2015, 14:00
A new mode of nuclear fission had been reported by the FOBOS collaboration: Collinear Cluster Tripartition (CCT). It was indirectly derived from ``missing mass events'' in fission studies with the 2v and v-E methods. The proposed CCT seems to be an astonishing new aspect of nuclear fission, theoretically difficult to reconcile with traditional fission models and experimentally surprising since...
Georg Schnabel
(TU Wien, Atominstitut)
03/09/2015, 14:15
The aim of nuclear data evaluation is to provide consistent sets of best estimates of reaction cross sections and spectra of nuclei. These evaluated data sets are an important prerequisite for the design of safe and efficient nuclear facilities such as nuclear power plants, fusion devices and medical devices using radiation for diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, evaluation methods should be...
Catalin Borcea
(IFIN-HH Romania)
03/09/2015, 14:30
The possibility to observe a proton beta decay in a sub-barrier Rutherford scattering of a proton on a high Z nucleus is examined. Due to the potential energy of the proton in the Coulomb field, a strong enhancement of the phase space for beta decay takes place, creating the circumstances for observing such events. A rough (however realistic) estimate of the rate of expected decays is also given.
Ivan Mukha
(GSI, Darmstadt)
03/09/2015, 14:45
The isotopes within the limiting lines of bound nuclei (or drip-lines) are goals of exploration for as many elements as possible. However the drip-line is not the end of the nuclear existence, and nuclei beyond the proton and neutron drip-lines may live much longer than the characteristic time of an orbital motion of nucleons in nuclei. These nuclei called resonances have lifetimes determined...
Alexander Glushkov
(Odessa State University-OSENU)
03/09/2015, 15:00
We present new approach for studying interaction of the finite Fermi systems (nuclei) with an superintense external fields (laser field). It is the combined relativistic operator perturbation theory (OPT) and relativistic energy formalism (REA) [1]. We present new results of AC Stark shifts of single proton states in the nuclei 16O, 168Er and compared these data with known results by Keitel et...
Zahra Haddadi
03/09/2015, 15:15
Charmonium spectroscopy is an ideal tool to systematically study the strong interaction between the fundamental building blocks of matter, quarks and gluons. From a theoretical and experimental point of view, charmonium is considered as one of the most controllable two-quark systems. Hence, precision measurements of the properties of charmonia allow a thorough study of the non-perturbative...
Bernard Schaeffer
03/09/2015, 15:30
After one century of phenomenological formalism, the calculation of the binding energy of the simplest bound nucleus, the deuteron, remains a puzzle because of misconceptions (nucleons orbiting around nothing, charge independence, centrifugal barrier, strong force & Co, magic numbers, unobservable observables, virtual particles…). Nuclear Physics A considers that electromagnetism "does not...